Specialized communication building through learning, play, and fun!
Hover over any of the images below to learn more about the groups we are currently operating, and if you have any questions, send us an email at info@languagetherapy4kids.com or a call at 604-739-8585
Summer groups
Registration for our 2024 Summer Groups is open! There are a few spots remaining: contact us at info@languagetherapy4kids.com to register today!
Specialized Reading + Writing
Our reading program is a highly specialized program that combines executive functioning skills, how our brain perceives sound and how we encode sounds to connect to our executive function and reading skills. This program is run by speech language pathologists.
Our specialized writing program follows a fine motor developmental trajectory to reach milestones and the handwriting without tears developmental program. This program is run by occupational therapists.
The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Language Delays
The It Takes Two to Talk Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalized group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together. You can also participate in this program online via telepractice.
The It Takes Two to Talk Program teaches you, step-by-step, how to become your child’s most important language teacher.
The PEERS Program
The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) is world-renowned for providing evidence-based social skills treatment to preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults with ASD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more.
Social Groups
Social groups! Intensive social & language therapy run by Speech-Language Pathologists at more than 60% off our 1-1 rates with all of the benefits of learning with peers.
All groups will target social interaction skills in a language rich environment targeting functional language skills, vocabulary comprehension and development, executive functioning, and the social use of language in an interactive and fun format!
Contact us today for the registration form: info@languagetherapy4kids.com
Registration for summer 2024 groups is due May 30th!
I’M ME | ADHD Speciality Program
ADHD coaches work collaboratively with clients who have ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms. The coach will address specific needs and personal goals for the client. ADHD coaching programs acknowledge the biological underpinning of the disorder in addressing the core symptoms of ADHS (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity). Coaching also addresses the academic, vocational, emotional and interpersonal life difficulties that are a result of these symptoms.
The Benefits of Group Therapy
Group therapy is a functional way of helping your child learn new things and practice their goals in a realistic setting. Through natural peer interactions and language learning, children are able to build friendships and receive support from their peers on their language journey.
Group therapy is cost-effective and will save you over 65% of the hourly session rates.
Sessions are held by Speech-Language Pathologists and Communication Disorders Assistants!